Tech Sprint Guide

Build Your Tech Roadmap in just 1 day


Tired of endless meetings that lead nowhere? Frustrated by the gap between your company's tech needs and actual implementations? This guide is your antidote to innovation paralysis.

Here's what you can accomplish:

  1. Accelerate your innovation timeline
  2. Convert skeptics into tech champions
  3. Eliminate silos blocking progress
  4. Turn ideas into action
  5. Break tech indecision

Table of Content

  • Part 1: The Innovation Paralysis Epidemic
  • Part 2: Bring Your Whole Team to the Table
  • Part 3: From Ideas to Action Plans in Miro
  • Part 4: Sustain Momentum Beyond the Sprint

Part 1: The Innovation Paralysis Epidemic

Does this sound familiar?

Your company knows it needs to invest in new technologies, but every time you try to make progress, you get bogged down in endless meetings, conflicting priorities, and resistance to change.

Meetings turn into talking shops, and the to-do list just keeps growing without any real momentum.

I've seen this innovation paralysis happen time and time again, even at organizations that are otherwise successful. The problems are usually the same - siloed departments, skeptical stakeholders, and a lack of a clear plan to turn vague ideas into concrete actions.

That's where the Tech Sprint comes in. In just one intensive, focused day, we bring your whole team together to diagnose the root causes of your technology challenges and map out a strategic roadmap for resolving them.

No more waiting months for progress - the sprint delivers tangible results in a matter of hours.

By the end of the day, you'll have a clear understanding of where your organization is stuck, and a step-by-step plan to get unstuck. You'll learn how to structure a sprint that demands action, not just discussion, and how to guide even your most resistant stakeholders to productive collaboration.

Ready to break free from innovation paralysis and start driving real technological change in your company?

Part 2: Bring Your Whole Team to the Table

Remember yesterday when we talked about siloed departments and skeptical stakeholders?

Today, we're tackling these head-on. The secret sauce of the Tech Sprint is getting everyone in the same room. And I mean everyone.

Team Assembly

To make this happen, start by assembling your workshop team. Cast a wide net and include all departments impacted by tech decisions. Don't overlook often-forgotten teams like customer support, and always make sure to invite someone from the development team. Trust me, their perspective is invaluable. An effective workshop needs between 3-10 people.

Role Mapping

Next, define clear roles for the sprint. You'll need a Sprint Leader, which is likely you or your senior tech lead. You'll also need a Facilitator - this could be an external party or a neutral internal colleague. Choose someone you feel comfortable sharing the stage with and who can be trusted to keep time and maintain the workshop flow. Most crucially, you need a Decision Maker. This is where many sprints stumble, so let's dive deeper.

Decide or Vote

The Decision Maker should be someone who can make final calls on priorities. Ideally, this is a C-level executive or department head with budget control. If you can't secure a clear decision-maker, establish a voting mechanism upfront. While not ideal, it's far better than ending up in gridlock.

Don’t Drop the Ball on Prep Work

Preparation is key to a successful sprint. Survey or interview your participants about their top tech pain points before the event. Share a clear agenda and set expectations. And don't forget to set up your Miro board - we'll dive into the specifics of this tomorrow, but having it ready will save you valuable time.

Anticipate Resistance

It's a natural part of any change process. You might hear "I'm too busy" from some team members. Counter this by emphasizing the long-term time savings of a well-executed sprint.

For skeptics, share success stories & stats from these type of activities.

Here’s some to steal:


is the annual cost for larger enterprises for employees attending useless meetings

Source: Useless Meetings Waste Time and $100 Million a Year for Big Companies, Bloomberg 2022


of senior managers said that meetings keep them from completing their work

Source: Stop the Meeting Madness, Harvard Business Review 2017


of Americans would rather go to a doctor's appointment than attend a work meeting

Source: How Much Time Americans Spend in Meetings, Deputy 2022


of decision makers say they need to improve collaboration within their own department

Source: Unlocking the Value of Open Collaboration to Drive Enterprise Agility, Forrester Research 2011

Be prepared to manage dominant voices to ensure all participants are heard.

Anyone can bring the 1 Billion Idea

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, foster psychological safety. Make it crystal clear that all ideas are welcome. You never know where the next breakthrough will come from, and often it's the quietest voice in the room that has the game-changing insight.

Remember, this isn't about getting bodies in seats. It's about creating a diverse, engaged group ready to challenge assumptions and build a shared vision. In our next email, we'll dive into the exercises that make the magic happen. But for now, focus on getting the right people committed and prepared.

Got questions about assembling your sprint team?

Send a DM – I'm here to help!


Ready to dive into Miro?

In Part 3, we'll explore essential exercises like ideation techniques and prioritization matrices. Don’t worry if you're new to it - we'll cover everything step-by-step, along with a ready-to-use template for your own workshop

But if you're feeling adventurous, why not log in and start playing around?

It's the perfect warm-up for what's coming next!

Part 3: From Ideas to Action Plans in Miro

No more "wouldn't it be nice if..." conversations.

We're diving into the nitty-gritty of transforming your team's collective wisdom into a battle-ready tech roadmap.

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